
Thursday, July 16, 2015

how to hack a P C using USB

Hacking passwords or any information using USB(pendrives).Here is the small tricks guys for stealing information or passwords of ur friends or enemies using pendrives...

Extract pcinfoselect all the files and paste it in ur USB(pendrive) it in the pc u wanna hack...Open the USB drive, give it 2 sec and and ur job is done...

And now open the dump folder in ur pc and u will have all the info u want....

Computer Hacking In The New Age, All You Need To Know About Hacking Today

Every human discovery has pros and cons, so is the computer which has pervaded all our lives. The modern humanity is increasingly dependent on computer for various day-to-day activities. Computers do us a whole lot of good things, but it is not without some pitfalls. With the extensive use of internet for hundreds of our needs, computer opens a vicious cycle of hackers. Computer hacking is a term which refers to an individual’s illegal and unauthorized access to the data which are stored in a user’s system. This is done to disturb the confidentiality and security of the user’s computer.

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