
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Easily Make SD Card Your RAM In Your Android Device

You need only a few things for Increasing Internal memory and RAM.

  •     SD card as you want but class 4 or higher SD Card will give excellent speed to your Phone

Find Stolen or Lost Mobile Easily

I am Sure this is Awesome post for Android lovers and will enjoy. Yes! This is something big. Now you can find your lost, Misplaced and stolen Android device easily without any third party apps. In our previous post we explained how to Trace your lost android mobile with some apps but Here in this post you don’t need any app to find your device where it is. This is can done by simply using Android device manager. Android Manger is one which it will get installed directly on your device when you use Google play for the first time. So you don’t need to download any third party apps. Nobody knows that they will lost their device if they know that they will keep them safe for sure so maximum of people don’t install any tracking app to trace their lost device. For those people android device manger can work like miracle.

Find Stolen or Lost Android Mobile Easily:

How Can I Get All My Deleted WhatsApp Messages Back?

Founded by former Yahoo Employees Koum and Brian Acton, WhatsApp has now become the most anticipated and well-known messenger. Initially it was available for the cost of US $0.99 every year. After looking at increased popularity and demand, this application is offered free of cost. Today, WhatsApp is found on every average Smartphone. Not just in friend circles, WhatsApp is used in corporate offices because bosses know that their staff is more active on this app than their office email. But sometimes WhatsApp messages can be accidently deleted. If you have lost WhatsApp chats, it is possible to recover them back.

How to Hack a Secured Wifi Network With Android mobile

Hi Friends…! After A Long Research… Today We Are Back With Most Wanted Wifi Hacking App, Which Will Really Amaze You With Its Features And Its  Capicity To Hack Wifi Network Effectively. And This App Will Helps You To Crack Any Wpa/Wps Enabled Wifi Networks. And Now Without Wasting Any More Time Come Let Us Go To Actuall Steps To Make Use Of This Wifi Tool.

Your Phone Must Be Rooted!!!

How To Hack Wifi Network Within Few Seconds:


This is my most favourite part

Chat with Friends through ms dos Command Prompt
1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.

2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".

4) Open Command Prompt.

5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.

6) You would then see Command Prompt Showing Some Thing Like This:


7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter

8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
Start Chatting.......!

Surfing Internet.

Type in the url and Hit Enter, that's it ?

Have you ever thought what happens after that ?

Lets Trace n see what happens !

Do the following :
# Start >> Run
# Type cmd
# This will open the Command Prompt
# Type cd
# Type tracert


You can replace with any website url.

Results :
$ First line shows the IP address of the website... $ You'll be shown steps in which the website gets load !
$ More is the number of steps more is time taken to load the website !

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